SM—Barcelona Seminar in Social Metaphysics

The aim of this seminar is to contribute to foster and consolidate research lying in the interface between foundational issues in metaphysics and the philosophy of language, on one hand, and social, political, and legal philosophy as well as the philosophy of gender, sex, and sexualities on the other—thus connecting with the interests of some local philosophers in groups  Law and Philosophy and LOGOS and, more generally, the recently created BIAP—Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy.

We discuss work in progress, with pre-distributed drafts to be read in advance, without presentations by the “speakers”, with an extensive part of the slot devoted to “editorial” feedback as to how to improve the paper.

We do our best efforts to comply with the guidelines for respectful, constructive, and inclusive philosophical discussion:

The SM runs for the core months of the terms, Oct-Dec and Feb-May, on Fridays, mainly 15:00-17:00 Barcelona time [except as indicated], online.

Spring 2022

Provisional schedule, changes may occur—please access earlier editions here.

  • April 1: Richard Kimberly Heck (Brown): “Does Pornography Presuppose Rape Myths?”
  • April 8 Giuliano Torrengo (Milano): “The Responsibility of Representing Discrimination in Fiction”
  • April 22 Adam Sennett (Davies): “Thoughts about the Ethics of Use and Mention”
  • April 29 Johan Brännmark (Malmö): “Social Indeterminacy”
  • May 6: Bianca Cepollaro (San Raffaele), Marta Jorba (UPF) & Valentina Petrolini (UPV/EHU & Parma): “‘Autistic’: a Peculiar Case of Reclamation”
  • May 13: Elizabeth Barnes (Virginia Tech): “Ameliorative Skepticism and the Nature of Health”
  • May 20: Bianca Cepollaro (San Raffaelle): “Derogation, Offensiveness, and Coarseness” (joint work w/ D López de Sa)
  • May 27: Giuliano Torrengo (Milano): “The Responsibility of Representing Discrimination in Fiction”
Convenor: Dan López de Sa (ICREA & Barcelona)
Sponsored by: Facultat de Filosofia, Universitat de Barcelona and PGC2018-094563-B-I00 (FEDER-MINECO)