BIAP Workshop on Gender

Barcelona 17-18 December 2019

Venue: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (campus Ciutadella, map)

Organized by Dan López de Sa (ICREA & Barcelona), JJ Moreso (UPF), Serena Olsaretti (ICREA & UPF), and Lorena Ramírez (UPF), with the auspices of research group Law & Philosophy.

Sponsors: FFI2016-81858-REDC MINECO/FEDER UE, AGAUR 2017 SGR 823, and Departament de Dret, Universitat Pompeu.


Paula Casal (ICREA & UPF)
Ana Costa (UPF)
Esa Díaz-León (Barcelona)
Anca Gheaus (UPF)
Pablo de Lora (UAM)
Adèle Mercier (Queen’s)
Mari Mikkola (Oxford)
Iñigo Valero (Barcelona)

Provisional Program

Tuesday 17

  • 9:30-11:00 Esa Díaz-León: “An inclusive account of the meaning of ‘woman’”
  • 11:30-13:00 Anca Gheaus: “Gender identity”
  • 15:00-16:30 Iñigo Valero: “Explicating planet vs. ameliorating sex. The limits of non-epistemic values in Conceptual Engineering”
  • 17:00-18:30 Mari Mikkola: “Language and Social Ontology: The case of gender”

Wednesday 18

  • 9:30-11:00 Adèle Mercier: “Is gender natural?”
  • 11:30-13:00 Paula Casal: “Distributive justice and female longevity”
  • 15:00-16:30 Ana Costa: The “woman” in Abolitionist Feminism”
  • 17:00-18:30 De Lora: “What is it like to be a trans? Four puzzles on gender identity”

No registration fee but if interested in attending please contact Dan López de Sa  at